Our Class

Our Class

Friday, April 22, 2011

Chehaw Park

Chehaw Park was so much fun. Thank you to all the moms who came along. Getting to see the animals, picnic and then play on the awesome playground all made for a fantastic day!

Egg-citing times

We were “egg-cited” about our egg hunt and party.  Thank you so much to Kaytlyn and her mother for the festive cupcakes!

Earth Day

We spent this week talking about "being green."  We talked about what we can do everyday to help the earth.  We already practice recycling at school.  What can you do at home??

Center Time Fun

Damarion, Jamiyah and Logan built their own puppet theater.

Kaytlyn and Maggie hone their future teaching skills!

Friday, April 15, 2011


Look at what teamwork can do!

Soil and rocks, what fun!

Who knew rocks and soil could be so interesting?  Now we do!  The students really enjoyed exploring and observing the characteristics of rocks and soil.  We even sang a fun song called "Dirt You Made My Lunch" that taught us how dirt provides the nutrients for fruits, veggies and grains to grow.  The students could not believe it when I told them I was going to make them eat dirt with rocks and worms in it, but once they discovered the ingredients to make the dirt were really pudding, Oreos, gummy worms and Whoppers they were very excited. 

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Happy Birthday, Joshua

On April 7th Joshua turned six!

Friends with 4 legs

Before Spring Break we were lucky enough to have Mr. Jamie’s two chinchillas visit our classroom for the morning.  The students loved petting them but even though they could have held them we didn’t have anyone who wanted to do that.  Kaytlyn also brought some animals in for us to observe and hold.  She brought in a hermit crab and small turtle.  The children were more excited to hold the turtle than the chinchillas, who may have wanted to nibble on their fingers!  We were able to compare and contrast the different animals by their size and texture.