Our Class

Our Class

Monday, January 24, 2011

Snow day after party

We warmed up from the snow with a cup of hot chocolate and cookie.  Then we went into the library where Ms. Lucy, the school librarian, let each child pick his/her own book to keep forever, as part of the RIF (reading is fun) program.

Snow Day

It was a great morning for snow day.  The sun was shinning but it was still very cold.  The children LOVED running through the snow, throwing snowballs and making snow angels.  We had several parents who braved the cold to join us for the fun. 

100th day celebration

Last Thursday was our 100th day of school.  Each child that brought in 100 items got to share it and we predicted which bags weighed more and less and tested our predictions with a balance.  We counted by 1's, 5's, 10's, and even by 100's!  Each child made his/her own 100 piece snack by counting 10 pieces of 10 different foods.  We made cool headbands, to wear, by making 10 dots in 10 different sections.  It was a fun, fun day!

Jamiyah as photographer

Here are Jamiyah's pictures she took as our class photographer.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Christmas Party Treats

We had a wonderful Christmas party, but it was not without some work from the students.  Each child had to "make" his/her own Christmas tree treat, by frosting a sugar cone with green frosting then adding M&M's as the ornaments.  If your child was overly hyper, after school that day, it was probably due to this treat!

Last Day of School 2010

Even though the last day of school for 2010 was a rainy cold day we made the most of it!  Right after breakfast we loaded the school buses, along with everyone else in the whole school, and headed for to the high school where we had a special holiday concert, put on just for us, by the choir and band.  The students loved it, and our own Anne Martin was picked to go and dance up front with the Dazzlers. 

Breakfast with Santa

Breakfast with Santa is always a fun morning.  First we ate a delicious hot breakfast, then we colored while we waited for each student to sit on Santa's lap.  Then we sang Christmas carols, before returning back to our classroom.

Monday, January 10, 2011


To help us learn to recognize the 4 different coins we played musical chairs.  When the music stopped I called on a child and he/she had to say the name and value of the coin at their chair.  They had a blast and got pretty good at identifying the coins. 

Happy Birthday

Anne Martin turned 6 January 9th.

Caylee turned 6 January 7th.

Jaydin turned 6 December 22nd.

Jamiyah turned 6 December 17th.

Leslie turned 6 December 16th.

down to 20

After the break, one of our girls, Jaiden, went to another school.  We will miss her!  The new picture at the top has all 20 students currently in our class. 

Winter in the South

It is fun to learn about the snow, but since it doesn't snow here (flurries don't really count) we talked about what does happen in the South in the winter.  We learned that the Monarch butterflies fly through Georgia, on their way to Mexico.  We learned about other animals and how they migrate south, to warmer weather.  Then we became the animals and we "migrated" to the south end of the school.