Our Class

Our Class

Thursday, September 30, 2010

DJ is 6!

Welcome to our new boys!

We have grown as a class.  Our new additions are Ryan, Logan,  and Joshua.  We are so happy they are with us now. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


Our class worked together at Enrichment Friday to make these cool creations. Everyone wanted to take them home, but there were only 4 of them, so Friday afternoon I told everyone that the top 4 students who read the most books at home, over the weekend, would get to pick a creation to take home. These students read the most books to take home the prize, good job to them and their parents!

September's Enrichment Friday

Friday, September 10th we had our second enrichment Friday where our class rotated around the school doing science and math lessons.  These lessons extended the standards we have been covering in our classroom.  The students participated in lessons about what is in the night sky by learning about 4 phases of the moon; living and non living objects by having the students "dig" for objects and then classify them; demonstrating the importance of the sun by planting seeds and putting half of them in the dark while half are left on our classroom windowsill; making creations from shapes (trash) in the environment; and sorting animals by their habitats.  The students really enjoyed the morning!

VSU interns

We are excited to have two Valdosta State students with us for the next couple of weeks.  Ms. Krysten Mangham will be in our room Mon. & Wed. mornings.  Ms. Andrea Wright will be with us Tues. & Thurs. mornings.  You can see they both passed their physicals to be in our room!

Kade's 6th birthday

Tuesday, September 14th we had our first classmate to turn 6.  Happy Birthday, Kade!

Caylee as photographer

The week of Sept. 7th Caylee was our classroom photographer.  Here are the pictures she took.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Grandparent's Day

We had a GRAND time at Grandparent's Day!  Thank you to all the grandparents who came.  We wore our special tye-dye tee shirts that our room mom, Ms. Rachael helped us make on Monday.  We sang songs, we signed the song You Are My Sunshine, we shared our trail mix, discussed what grandparents liked to do when they were five and what their grandchild likes to do now that he/she is five, and enjoyed each other's company. 

Library fun

This week, because of the book fair and our field trip, we did not go to the library as usual.  These pictures are from last weeks' lesson.  Ms. Lucy, our librarian, does a fantastic job of bringing the stories to life and having the students interact with the books. 

Center time in August

Here are a few more pictures of the students hard at work in their centers.  Block center continues to be a favorite for the boys and the girls really enjoy the "house area" in the dramatic play center. 

Kasha's photos

This week Kasha was our class photographer.  These are her photos.

Curious George

All week long we read lots of Curious George books in preperation for our first field trip.  We went to the Cultural Center to see a Curious George play.  Everyone did an excellent job and really enjoyed the play.

Kade as photographer

Last week Kade was our classroom photographer.  These are his pictures.